Story about Pipin's Homage Dive to Audrey

Written by Audrey's Mom, Anne-Marie Mestre


October 12th 2002 – October 12th 2003. We have needed one year to turn the saddest day of our lives into a day of happiness.

Since this fatidic day, Pipin decided to make a homage to Audrey, his wife, our only daughter, who passed away tragically in Dominican Republic. He wanted to do this homage for the love that both had for the ocean but also because of the love they had for each other.

He immediately expressed to us the need he had to dive to -170 meters. We tried to dissuade him, it was too soon to take this kind of decision, we wanted him to think about it, there was no need to relive those moments, but he was decided, as time passed he was more convinced of what he wanted to do, he prepared this event daily during one whole year.

I went to Miami twice to visit him and I found him serene.

We had the opportunity to talk a lot about this project, I saw him train during my visits, every day for more than an hour.

Seated and silent I watched him train and relived Audrey’s training, all those hours dedicated to the development of the muscles, the concentration, and exercises done in apnea. Pipin was in front of me, an instrumental music accompanied his every movement, he never stopped his rhythm, nothing distracted his concentration, he used all his strength.

When I was not in Miami we sent emails or call each other daily, almost always at night so my husband (Jean Pierre) could participate in our conversations.

During our vacations in France, we didn’t want to talk about Pipin’s record attempt. There were several days set: May 25th which is Mother’s day, August 11th which is Audrey’s birthday, and October 12th which is the day of her passing. Until everything was ready, the date could change.

I didn’t want to talk about this record with anybody, I was superstitious, I could go out on a day 13th, I could pass under a ladder, but some things really affect me. Jean Pierre talked about the record with my Dad, but I feel safe wih him, I know that he can be very discreet. Other people found out through internet, but everybody respected my decision of not talking about it.

Once we returned to Mexico, we talked to Pipin every night over the phone, sometimes even twice a day. We decided not to go to the event in Cabo San Lucas, it would be very hard on us, it would emotionally affect us deeply since we lived happy moments in Cabo, however we will be with him with our thoughts every second.

We followed the preparations of the record everyday by phone. As the day approached I felt Pipin was at peace, at least that was the impression we got when we listened to his voice, it might not have been that way over there. He told me that he was feeling Audrey by his side every time he dived, and I dreamt of her in her yellow wetsuit swimming underwater. I knew she was with him at every moment.

The night before the dive we spoke with Pipin, he was in his room, resting, he wanted to be ready for the day of the record. I told him everything that he means for us, and Jean Pierre made him promise us to cancel everything if any problem came up. Pipin told him not to worry, that everything was going to be ok. Jean Pierre insisted and Pipin made the promise, however, he told us he would call as soon as he was back from the dive.

We wanted to make this day 12th a regular day, we didn’t want to feel anguished against our will.

Pipin called, but it was too early for the record to have happened, I answered the phone and he told me there was a little problem but that the dive was going to be done in about two hours. I told him that we were going to be waiting for his call, that we wouldn’t go out, and I gave Jean-Pierre the news.

An hour later the phone rang again, this time it was Jean Pierre who answered it. It was Pipin, who was just getting in the boat, he told us that he made it. Jean Pierre asked him to tell him again, he asked him twice and three times, he wanted to make sure he heard Pipin correctly, that everything has ended, that he reached 170 meters, that Pipin was  ok. He congratulated Pipin and handed the phone to me. I congratulated him also, I was really happy for him, but also for Audrey, she deserved a homage of this kind.

I didn’t feel happiness in Pipin’s voice, that happiness he used to have when he achieved his records, he simply told me, “Mom, it’s over, I made it, I did it fot her, she was with me, I felt her hand on my shoulder during the whole dive, now I can rest”.

We called him a little bit later when he was back at the hotel, and we saw him at the airport when he was on his way back to Miami. We hugged him, congratulated him in behalf of all of our family in France, and in behalf of all of our French and Mexican friends who saw the news on television.

Pipin went back to his home where his two faithful rotweiller dogs, Boo and Adyss were waiting for him.